Tuesday, December 21, 2010

RSPS Fine Arts Winter Festival 2010

1 comment:

  1. "The arts are not just affective and expressive. They are also deeply cognitive. They develop the tools of thinking itself: careful observation of the world, mental representation of what is observed or imagined, abstraction for complexity, pattern recognition and development, symbolic and metaphoric representation, and qualitative judgment.
    We use these same thinking tools in science, philosophy, math and history. The advantage of the arts is that they link cognitive growth to social and emotional development. Students care more deeply about what they study, they see the links between subjects and their lives, their thinking capacities grow, they work more diligently, and they learn from each other."
    -- Nick Rabkin, Executive Director of the Center for Arts Policy, Columbia College Chicago; Robin Redmond, associate director of CAP. "The Art of Education Success", Washington Post, January 8, 2005, pg. A19.
